Technology and Apps that I use.

- 1 min read

Hi. I shall be going over certain apps and tech that I use (usually as an alternative) to other services.

Commonly Used:What I recommend:
YouT**e’s official frontend.Piped.
Spotify.Freyr + MPD.
Win**ws.Void Linux, Arch Linux or Kiss Linux.
Discord/Wha**app/In**agram.Element (Matrix) and Signal.
Go**le Search.Brave Search.
Go**le Chrome.Floorp, or Firefox + ffprofile.
Go**le Drive.Nextcloud - I self-host a private instance.
VSC**e and other popular code editors.Neovim - I shall put up a guide based upon the way I manage my neovim config.
The YouT**be app.LibreTube - I use the instance.
Crunchyroll and/or Netflix.ani-cli.
Any other Manga reader/downloader.Mangal and Kotatsu.
Obsidian - (Great software, but I prefer other things)vim-wiki.
Any screensharing tool.Screensy.
Photoshop/Paint.netGIMP or Krita.